I would have done this for 3 more hours! The growth I experienced in today’s session was so visible, and it was such a gift to get to hear the stories my colleagues told!
The storytelling techniques coupled with multiple rounds of feedback were most enlightening for me as a leader. The feedback I received was specific and actionable.

Program Overview

Foster social and emotional wellbeing by sharing stories that elucidate your values and connection-to-mission and being heard by your colleagues.

Participants are provided opportunities to practice articulating their connection to mission, through personal story- allowing them to appreciate each other’s unique paths. In addition to supporting participants to build essential storytelling skills, this program provides a space for participants to be seen and heard by one another and practice appreciative listening.

Participants will explore the wealth of stories in their own personal and professional histories that can be tapped for communicating one-on-one or in group settings. Participants will practice valuable skills such as the use of vivid language, speaking in snapshots, recognizing the need for a beginning middle end structure, and using body and voice to convey key messages.

This program can be offered to large or small groups, and in either scenario, allows educators to quickly build relationships through authenticity and vulnerability.

This was one of the best professional learning experiences I ever had. My facilitator was amazing, and I absolutely loved the small group atmosphere. It suited me perfectly.

This program can also be offered with an increased emphasis on team-building.

Expected Benefits

  1. Enhanced storytelling skills, to be used as a tool to effectively share experiences, build relationships, and connect others to your mission/vision.

  2. Strengthened relationships within teams resulting from the shared experience of the program as well as the stories themselves.

  3. Refined ability during stakeholder communication to listen for strengths & values.

  4. Deepened personal connection to mission and ability to draw on that wellspring to deal with challenging times

This program can be offered virtually. Our virtual programming is delivered through Zoom and includes: 

  • An expert IE facilitator, trained for virtual program delivery 

  • A comprehensive slide deck developed for the virtual context 

  • Opportunities for whole group, small group, and 1-on-1 discussion 

  • Option for IE tech host to facilitate smooth implementation

How does a program about articulating your “WHY” contribute to educator wellbeing? While many of us can informally reflect on our careers and consider our possible reasons for choosing to work in education, there is immense value to going about this process deliberately, with intention. Grounding yourself in your sense of purpose can function to stabilize you in the work that you do. Being able to effectively communicate your WHY and have others identify and name your strengths and values, can strengthen relationships and cultivate authentic connections with colleagues, students, families, and any other stakeholders with whom you engage in your work. Together, a sense of stability and strong, authentic relationships in the workplace have the power to sustain leaders, teachers, and other staff in the (often very challenging) work that they do.

I would love to engage in more sessions like this one that involve listening strategies. Listening for someone’s values and their ‘why’ was an awesome experience I can use in my daily work.
It was wonderful to hear all of my group members’ stories and to spend time really crafting a singular narrative to share with my staff. I have many takeaways that will positively impact my leadership presence.